Tests Required for Wound Dressings 510k Submission
The specific tests required for wound dressings for 510(k) submission will depend on the type of dressing and its intended use. However, here are some standard tests that may be required:
Wound Dressings 510k – Test Requirements.
- Biocompatibility Testing:
- Skin Irritation ISO - 10993-23
- Sensitization ISO - 10993-10
- cytotoxicity ISO - 10993-5
- Acute Systemic Toxicity- ISO 10993-11
- Genotoxicity, Carcinogenicity and Reproductive Toxicity - ISO 10993-3
- Bench Tests
- Visual Inspection
- Package Integrity
- pH
- Free Available Chlorine (FAC)
- Fill Volume
- Time to Kill Assay (ASTM E2315
- Preservative Effectiveness Testing (USP )
- Antimicrobial effectiveness, including microbial barrier effectiveness
- Bioburden (USP)
- Shelf Life and Expiry Date
- Shelf-life test protocol, study plan, and reports
It's important to note that the specific tests required may vary depending on the intended use of the wound dressings. It's best to consult with FDA Consultant to determine the exact testing requirements for your specific wound dressings.
LMG Provides assistance to wound dressings manufacturers in FDA registration, 510k clearance, device listing, and US FDA Agent requirements. Our experienced consultants can help you to comply with FDA requirements. Our expertise includes
- Prepare 510k notification.
- Submission of 510k notification.
- FDA Agent service for 510k submission.
- Guidance in test requirements.
- Register your establishment with FDA.
- List your wound dressings with FDA.
Wound Dressings US FDA 510K Submission
75 Executive Drive, Suite 114
Aurora, Illinois, USA - 60504
Phone : +1 (630) 270-2921
Fax : +1 (815) 986-2632
E-mail : info@fdahelp.us